The Epistle of Q — Chapter Ninety-One

What a way to start into Spring!! There was a song that Blood, Sweat and Tears had on one of their albums back in the day that had the line: “Sometimes in winter…” Always loved that song, partly because I first heard it while in Graduate School in Minnesota and that state can match most […]

The Epistle of Q — Chapter Eighty-Nine (Part B)

So why do people get together 55 years after they were actually significant personages in each other’s lives? This elongated journey to and from APPE provided the opportunity for another Madoc’rs luncheon in Toronto. The first one happened some time ago and another was held in 2016 during Grey Cup week and brought together. The […]

The Epistle of Q — Chapter Eighty-Six

Why do we so often think that good talent must be from somewhere else? The Biblical expression, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country too often seem borne out by the way we treat our local heroes, no matter what profession or vocation or life-style they inhabit. Last night I went to […]

The Epistle of Q — Chapter Eighty-Five

Why would I walk for 45 minutes, more or less downhill, to see a matinee movie when I have two vehicles in the garage? Well, perhaps because it was almost +10C and it was sunny. More likely because I needed the exercise. The problem, of course, would be in the return. No longer even light […]

On Another Stream (Published Op-Ed) 1C

And here is the column that will appear in Monday’s edition (November 5th): Another way to look at a Performing Arts Centre Part III: And what else could we do to make it a better idea and one that keeps more of us connected to the facility? It’s no secret that our town needs more […]

On Another Stream (published Op-Ed) 1B

Here is the column that was published on Friday (November 2nd): Another way to look at a Performing Arts Centre Part II: But why should the downtown churches even think about this? Well, perhaps for their very survival might be one place to start. But on a more optimistic note it would help ensure a […]

On Another Stream (published op-ed) 1A

Thought I should share some interesting and up-beat moments in my world. The local newspaper — the Penticton Herald — has decided to run a three-part Op Ed piece that I have written about an idea regarding a proposed Performing Arts Centre for the city of Penticton…  Here is the column that appears in last Thursday’s paper […]

The Epistle of Q — Chapter Seventy-Eight

Why is it that I still hear people talk in disparaging terms about the city of Edmonton? After all it has the Edmonton Eskimos, the Winspear Centre, the Jubilee Auditorium, a new Royal Alberta Museum, the University of Alberta and as perhaps its greatest asset — the Saskatchewan River and the Valley it has carved […]