The Epistle of Q — Chapter Thirty-Two

Q #1
What is PechaKucha and why should you care?

Tonight I attended a fascinating event in one of our great local craft breweries. Between 150-200 people showed up, ate some food and drank some really good beer (Cannery) and then settled in to listen to nine [9] speakers. Each would have approximately six [6] minutes for their speech and within that time frame they could show no more than 20 slide/pictures.

It’s a gathering that started originally in Japan for architects to assemble and discuss their profession in ways that the laity could understand. Now there are over 900 chapters and Penticton is one of them. And judging by the age-cohorts present, the average age was probably in the thirties — it is a dynamic learning moment.

The guest talents were both educational and entertaining. I learned a great deal. I will share the knowledge I gained over the next few nights. Just wanted you to know now that some good stuff comes along even to a small place like Penticton and it all is very worthy of sharing.

Sooooo, over the next few days I will let you know what our speakers talked about and how well they articulated their need to get more people engaged in the world as we see/know it. For now I’m going to sleep…
