The Epistle of Q — PPS to Chapter 133

Well at least the feedback so far has not labelled me as a troglodyte (yet). But some thoughts are interesting and I’m sharing them for you to ponder:

a) A good time to recall that this coming Sunday, the first Sunday of Advent, is the Sunday of Hope. I am grateful we are still able to attend church in PEI, and share hope together.

b) I’m going to see this through. I’m just very disappointed in all the so called smart people. I feel very let down by them all and I’m not ready to give up. I’m just one pissed-off citizen. (And I’m not a fan of that phrase. It’s so common.)

c) another comment I thought was pertinent came from someone who lost a spouse, not to Covid-19, but a meningitis — again the problem? no tracking: the specialist had no idea how (the person) contracted it… We just never seem to realize the costs when we don’t invest in good tracking systems (I think it’s Slovakia that tested their entire population in less than a week; and Singapore and Taiwan both are relentless in their testing, tracing and tracking).

and maybe this is enough for the moment…