The Epistle of Q — Chapter Thirty-Nine (cont’d)

So, what happened on Day Two of Meadowlark? Again there were two events, morning and evening… Morning — The Burrowing Owl Story This was a fascinating trip from beginning to end. It was well organized with a sharp guide that had us on time from the get-go. We drove to a somewhat remote location, about […]

The Epistle of Q — Chapter Thirty-Nine

Just what is the Meadowlark Festival and why did I attend? Every Victoria Day weekend in Penticton (and other parts of the South Okanagan) a dedicated group of volunteers puts on a festival to celebrate and explore the outdoors. There are literary dozens of different events from bird watching to bat studying to rock investigations […]

The Epistle of Q — Chapter Thirty-Eight

Why do I join film clubs? Good question which deserves at least a fair answer. On Thursday I went to the final Kitchen Stove series at the local cinema. The Kitchen Stove program is sponsored by our local Art Gallery. I should say at this point that the Penticton Art Gallery has a curator who […]

The Epistle of Q — Chapter Thirty-Seven (Part G)

Is it not fitting that the final part of this music madness is G? — perhaps for Glenn, or maybe Good, or even glad (that’s is over!!) Nevertheless I did want to talk about one more musical moment on the weekend. This occurred after the Youth Orchestra concert and before the dinner hour. St. Saviour’s […]

The Epistle of Q — Chapter Thirty-Seven (Part E)

Oh no, not more musical madness? Yepp… Just thought I should mention that after the opera and a late lunch, the next stop was the annual “Crush Club Spring Party” at Tinhorn Creek Winery. This is one of my most favourite wineries, in part because they were the first to take the risk of shipping […]

The Epistle of Q — Chapter Thirty-Seven (Part D)

Does this music madness never end? Well seems not, as this weekend has really been good to my brain development. And it all started early Saturday morning with “Live from the Met”. This week it was Richard Strauss’ Der Rosenkavalier. This is a long work, but the action goes quite quickly until the final scene […]

The Epistle of Q — Chapter Thirty-Eight

Do you want to know why Grandkids are special? Well, I suppose if you have some yourself you already have a pretty good idea. But humour me for a few minutes and let me tell you a little bit about my American Twins. You see, my daughter married a really neat guy. In fact, as […]