Today the air quality indicator is +333The health officials recommend that good air quality is less than +101…It is recommended that you stop breathing!Hate to tell you, but even I can sense that such advice is well-heeded…g.w. p.s. doesn’t say anything about drinking…
hello again, hello… What do you do when someone else’s house is burning down (and there is nothing you can do about it?) This morning I awoke to clear skies, an only slightly orange sun and a need for a mini-workout to continue the futile efforts I undertake to get in better shape (as if
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire… You may have heard, or read, or watched (on TV), B.C. has had a relatively warm and dry summer, particularly in the Okanagan. Nevertheless we have been blessed that while there have been some smokey days, we have had little direct interaction with forest fires. This morning, as we discussed