The Epistle of Q — Chapter 195

There may be more parts to this Chapter as it is all about the old pulpit revisiting road tour! It’s hard to fully quantify just how many pulpits I’ve preached in over my lifetime, especially since I’m just an ordained ruling elder but inactive (and have been for over forty years). In terms of my […]

Tuesday Talks V-a

{A time of reflection and perhaps contemplation} The Sagittarian leader is fair & fun, yet you are not the traditional candidate for the job. Sagittarius is more a teacher and motivational figurehead than a hands-on manager. You shoot off your mouth constantly, and you tend to preach to your people. But your dissertations are so […]

In Memoriam — A Cousin

I learned earlier this week that one of my dear cousins suddenly passed away. Although her elder brother and I have kept in touch in a variety of ways and through a wide diversity of settings since our childhood, Jennifer was not as well known to me in large part because she was much younger, […]

The Epistle of Q — Chapter 194

The times need to be a changin’ {to paraphrase Bob Dylan} Perhaps it’s now time: So there aren’t all those piles of buried Aboriginal kids after all. In fact, most of the dead children are properly buried, but often in unkempt graveyards. And the media frenzy was more: a work of woke, inadequately trained pseudo-journalists […]

The Epistle of Q — Chapter 193

This seemed to have disappeared… Well, well, well… Yeah, it’s been a while but I’ve been busy –> back at Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE) teaching Environmental Health Ethics to two [2] very interesting and ethnically diverse cohorts. That is no excuse for my lack of writing to you but it is more of a […]