The E[istle of Q — Chapter 195 (d)

And now to the concluding moments of this road trip, the tour of Ontario. This was facilitated somewhat by members of the clan deciding to hold a Shand Re-union in August this year. This is the family connection on my Grandmother Sinclair’s UEL side of the family. More reflection on this event may come at […]

The Epistle of Q — Chapter 195 (c)

During the early/mid 1980’s I did a good deal of work in the province of Saskatchewan, primarily among Aboriginal peoples and their educational issues, but often on the weekends I would help out various congregations who were without regular ministers by providing interim supply. Even though I had long since left the career path to […]

In Memoriam — Paulette

I lost a sister-in-law recently. Actually we have been losing her for quite a while as she was suffering from a very debilitating dementia: corticobasal degeneration! Paulette was an artistic person – an artist of many dimensions. She was an inventive painter (I have a couple of her amazing works, as do my children). She […]

The Epistle of Q — Chapter 195 (b)

My third [3rd] student mission field appointment (Summer, 1964) was to Calgary AB, to help in church extension while looking after a small semi-rural congregation on the edge of the city. The church building (Valleyview Presbyterian) was old, but the congregation was a mix of farmers, acreage owners and a few newly housed commuters. It […]