Christmas 2024

Hope that this finds you on the positive side of life… so far so good at this end. We are blessed with good health and continue to enjoy the many joys the beautiful Okanagan Valley has to offer (including living in what the Globe & Mail rates as the 9th best city in Canada)…This year […]

The Epistle of Q — Chapter 202

Can we get beyond the political quagmire? This has been a tumultuous week for Canada and Canadians. Not sure the chaos will end anytime soon. Not sure that this Christmas will necessarily bring us peace let alone order & good government. And wishing people a Happy New Year with 25% Tariffs just around the corner […]

Tuesday Talks 80D

oh no…More wee reflections!! Okay, I’m back from a delightful birthday get-away – to the Island of Oahu no less. Good times, warm weather and some walks down memory lane(s). But through it all, there were some reminders both in reality and in reflection that turning this age does bring some cloudiness to the moment… […]

Tuesday Talks 80U

Just had a birthday and it has caused me to think a bit about life… Just a wee reflection or two!! It is interesting that our society puts an inordinate amount of emphasis on certain dates that end in 0 – 30, 40, 50, 60 & 80. Not really sure why – isn’t age just […]