Skiing is back on…
For the first time in recent memory, good skiing started early in December. We have already a better base of snow that we had at the end of January last season. Here are the interim results as we approach New Year’s Eve:
Just a reminder about the codes/terms:
Days = the number of days an individual put on their skis and skied at least one run…
Runs = the number of times down the hill (no matter how long it takes)
Vm’s = this relates to the number of vertical metres skied from the top of each run to the ski lift (this is not to be confused with the amount of snow that is covered which will be reported as Distance) – different runs may have quite different configurations, but the Vm will be the same.
Max: we now only recognize an individual’s top speed to date during the season… averages tend to be inadequate numbers as they can include days of severely compromised skiing…
Distance = this is the amount of ground in kms that is covered (much like when recording bicycle travel or jogging or swimming) and each run can have varying distance depending on how a skier traverses it. For example, Grandfather’s Run is 5 km long…
Bold print = winner of that category to this point in the season
To protect the innocent each individual is identified by their code name:
• Days:
the Saint – 5
gw – 5
RAR – 4
HW – 3
• Runs:
gw – 35
the Saint – 32
RAR – 32
HW – 25
• Vm’s:
gw – 14,356
RAR – 13,148
the Saint – 12,246
HW – 9,918
• Distance:
the Saint – 65.7 kms
gw – 64.7
HW – no data
RAR – no data
• Max Speed:
gw – 67.0 km/hr
HW – 58.6
the Saint – 46.5
RAR – no data
going downhill!!