Pardon the Interruption but a wee battle with “strep throat” interfered with my writing time… but I have a moment now so let me get us caught up a bit!
The second day in Edinburgh was all on foot… Started with a great brekkie at the Carlton and then headed out to walk… a bit rainy, a bit misty, and a lot crowded… moreover when we got to the gates of the Edinburgh Castle we were told to go buy tix on line — couldn’t buy them at the ticket wicket.
So instead turned around and walked the length of the Royal Mile and visited Holyrood Palace. This turned out to be the real highlight of the day. Provided an audio/visual gizmo to assist the walkabout, one gets an amazing look at royal history, particularly from a Scottish perspective.
Having managed on an app to get tix to the Castle, began the trudging back up the Royal Mile, past John Knox House with a respectful pause at St. Giles Cathedral. This was followed by a stop at the Cannonball Pub for liquid refueling. Then on to the Castle… my only thought (& maybe because I’ve been through it now 3 times) — when you’ve seen one Castle you’ve seen them all!! The prisons were intriguing: maybe if we put some of our chronic offenders in one of them they might just get motivated to straighten out!!
The day ended with a fabulous meal at Howie’s…