Hello again, hello…
Sometimes waiting doesn’t help things change…
I have waited a long time to conclude this trilogy. After the horrendous protest by the pro-Hamas nazi-like gangs that swarmed Wellington Street and Parliament Hill recently, I hoped I would hear from my critics how terrible this was and how the Ottawa police force should be ashamed of themselves for not quelling the disturbance immediately, since they had ample warning it would be happening. Now I know these hoodlums didn’t have trucks, and I realize that most of them wore face coverings; but still, they were noisy and disruptive (even of an individual who wished to protest another issue).
I have not heard one word of disgust from my critics – from those who were incredibly incensed that I didn’t appreciate the disruption and outright annoyance of the freedom convoy folks.
As I have said before, I am getting an incredible re-education of the 1930’s in Germany. I now understand much more than I ever did during all the history courses I took in my high school and college days, of how Hitler came to power. He was elected by people who let the brown shirts have they own way, violent and anti-Jewish as it was.
Upon pondering all this all I can suggest is once the police get some serious courage as well as respect for the law (& understanding of anti-Semitism which is different from being critical of the government of Israel), they should arrest perhaps as few as half-a-dozen of the terrorists, book them, take off their facial coverings, take their pictures and then post them like they did those of the leaders of the freedom convoy. Let’s get to know who they are, where they come from, and perhaps even question why they want to live in Canada.
In addition, any of their supporters who refer to our country as so-called Canada, should be summarily removed to a country of their choice, one that they consider a real country. I’m all for legitimate protest, and I respect those who rationally have viewpoints different that mine. But I have no time for people in the 21st Century who have hatred for Jews (or any other nationality or ethnic background) or believe in the woke chatter about our country not being a real country. Move on, move out and enjoy life elsewhere…
And for those of you who wish to remain silent so as not to offend these thugs and other-worldly folk – please take a moment to read again about Germany throughout the 1930’s. It will give you a good sense of what can happen to us…
I will continue anon…