The Epistle of Q — Chapter 203

The opportunity is NOW…

He’s got it backwards…

Since none of our political leaders or even economic ones are willing to take a stand on this issue, I guess it is up to me –> so here goes.

I refer to the constant blather about Canada becoming the 51st U.S. State. Since Canada is the larger country, it should be obvious that the annexation ought to be promoted the other way. And there are many sound reasons for making the USA our fourth [4th] Territory:

The benefits to the Americans are numerous, particularly considering the current political milieu but because it will take some time to teach the Americans about Responsible Government instead of their current Representative Government (including the need for cabinet ministers to actually be members of the House of Commons) thus the interim move to Territorial status:
• as a Territory there would only be the need for a Governing Council, with perhaps twenty [20] members and these are separate from the person who would be elected to the House of Commons
• the cost savings are enormous including the abolition of all State legislatures (so no longer any State Senators or Representatives) as well as complete suspension of Congress
• due to increased need for efficiency, the seat of the Territorial Council would be established more centrally in Omaha, Nebraska
• another financial benefit is that initially the American dollar would facilitate significant purchasing power in Canadian materials, products and services (especially tourist-related opportunities)
• as there are specific spending limits in Canada re political campaigns, the entire high cost of elections is drastically reduced including the elimination of Super PACS (in fact, initially there would be no party designations in Council elections)
• there is considerable American angst about the Electoral College especially within the Republican Party, but as it would no longer be needed it too would disappear; instead replaced by our first-part-the-post
• due to our current desire for younger leadership, the first appointed Territorial Council leader would be J.D. Vance (both the current & incoming Presidential individuals would be retired due to being older than seventy-five [75] and would be put in charge of developing their own, now historical, presidential libraries
• the Americans would gain from universal health care, while Canadians would benefit from the addition of private insurance options
• NATO would be strengthened by a more effective NORAD, and the single command of the military, unencumbered by pork-barrel budgetary issues formerly faced in congress (this would also assist Canada’s upgrading of its defense budget to at least 2% of GDP)
• integrated energy & resources systems would be much easier without the countless obstructions by the multi-layers of governments as the Territory would have one representative in the House of Commons and the only other level of government would be contained in the many municipalities (e.g. pipelines, including some carrying desalinated water, could readily be built which would be of enormous value to the Colorado River system)
• air travel would be simplified as there would be no border delays or related customs issues and increased competition would stabilize prices and travel opportunities
• immigration would be reduced significantly during the period of transition (illegal migrants would have to leave while the Canadian citizenship processes played out but that actually should help the economies of their former home countries as they would return with new skills having been working in a wide diversity of jobs & industries)
• Americans would finally get really exciting pro football as the NFL would become a feeder league only as the CFL would expand to take in as many franchises as wished to convert to twelve [12] person football (and could renovate their stadia to accommodate the 110-yard by 65-yard field) — and as soon as players became Canadian citizens they could be considered within the ratio!!
• similarly the NCAA would be folded into U-Sports and while the transition was being worked through, financial incentives to individual athletes would be considerably restrained

And this is just a start – with more reflection & planning additional benefits can & will be discovered. One simple gain: bilingualism would significantly improve tourist travel between Louisiana & Québec while reducing the need of many Americans to learn Spanish.

So let’s start spreading the news – we are going to invite Americans to become our fourth [4th] Territory and rid themselves of unnecessary government over-reach
