Today’s Theme: It’s time to get going (again)…
So, there are upsides and downsides to this entire business of reaching eighty [80]. Your reaction to some of my musings reminded me of one thing – in this existential world, the really important approach to any age or similar defining moment, is simply to move forward… Moreover, the number of comments suggesting that I don’t look 80, reinforced this directive…
In other words, get going. There are ups and downs in everyone’s life/lives. That is what living is all about. As I look around me I see remarkable people who have moved past their 80th with focus, conviction and enjoyment. Three of them, now on the other side of eighty-five [85] are still skiing &/or golfing (one occasionally shoots his age or better). Another is a lead member of a dragon-boat team. Another goes mountain-climbing. Some are taking serious trips either across the country or around the world. Others are spending considerable time with grandkids and great-grandkids. There are even some who sail away to quiet islands to simply enjoy nature. None have shut down their world, almost all are still driving.
And so the expectation that I have must be positive and forward-thinking is something that in the past few days I’ve come to put before myself each morning that I arise. To everything there is a Season and a time for every Purpose under Heaven – what is my new season, what is the latest purpose? That’s the only challenge I need focus on – and so I am reflecting on some intriguing opportunities and putting aside some old routines/habits while enhancing others.
• oh I will keep some things, like the CFL and my professional associations
• I will probably continue to struggle at golf, but ski with more thoughtfulness & bike into the mountains (as weather permits)
• visiting grandkids and reflecting, with them, on their potentials
• continuance in support for the Symphonic music & Live From the Met opera and the occasional performance at the Dream Café or other musical venue
• and, hopefully, some on-going teaching &/or mentoring
as for new ventures…
• perhaps an attempt at outrigger canoeing could be on the horizon
• more effort at writing, including potentially re-starting my big book opus
• maybe, in support of the previous point, undertaking some new research (including return to school in some fashion or another)
• making a concerted effort to really communicate with a select group of particularly special friends & colleagues to help/continue the stimulation of my brain
Yepp, life really is for the living… and those living creatures who still want to be part of my world (& I part of their’s) will help me live – I will continue to toast you. To the rest, their memories are still valuable, but will fade – I toast them now as the horizon shifts.
Thanks for working through this transition with me.
In reflection,