What’s this Editorialog about?

And it’s time to become more contemporary… This editorialog is simply one [1] more tool we are learning to use in an effort to expand our opportunities to continue conversations with people we have found interesting and engaging as well as an invitation to others to join in the conversations. There are a couple of topics to start the ball rolling, and we shall add to them on an irregular basis (hopefully, in the initial phases, at least once a week) as they either come to mind, or are suggested within the context of other conversations. If you have an idea, a response, a reaction or simply some musings that you’d like to share, then mention it. I might take a bit of time to initially respond (due to my spring/summer teaching loads) but it will get reviewed and in some form or another will be put forward for others to respond to and enhance as they see fit.a) There will be some measure of editorial license used in order to limit liabilities and other web-space issues; however, generally speaking, good constructive thoughts will be shared. A word of caution, in order to keep the conversations civil and reflective, personal attacks (against other named individuals) will no be facilitated, let alone encouraged. I look forward to your comments, concerns and/or ideas. g.w.