The Epistle of Q — Chapter 131

And now that the Book is done…

This weekend, having mailed out the final hard copies of the book as well as dispatching a variety of e-mails allowing those who didn’t get printed copies to access it via this web-site, I decided I needed to get a little physical exercise in – give my brain some reconstituted oxygen-based energy. So Saturday morning, as the pre-dawn weather was a bit sketchy, I got on the stationary bike for about thirty-six minutes. Alas, I had opted not to put on my biking shorts; therefore, by the end of the ride, I was somewhat less than comfortable. Then, because of some renovations in the kitchen, breakfast needed to be obtained elsewhere. Oh boy, coupons were located – for A&W no less!! But to gain this reward, I was encouraged (now that the sun was out) to walk. I did. The sun went behind clouds and the wind came up — reward was diminishing!! The A&W breakfast was as good as it was economical BUT the walk home in the wind did use up a good deal of the energy from the brekkie. Total walk: over five kilometres.

After lunch the weather seemed to warm up but simultaneously my brain seemed to freeze because I then decided I should go for a wee bike ride. In the canyon the wind seemed to have dissipated and there was an inkling that the sun was returning. So off I went. And the ride was not bad. Down the Creek, across a bridge, up the old railway bed into the hills. Eventually I came to one of the turn-around spots, very near the Hillside Winery. As I turned around I realized that while I now would be going downhill, the sun had definitely decided to stay behind clouds, and the wind had determined it should take its place. I finally made it home, after a ride of over fifteen kms. Luckily I have access to a lovely soaker tub that allows me to stretch out and really let the hot water restore my circulation and I added some bubbles to make me think I was in a luxurious state of being. However, as I reflected on my activities, I realized that my brain somehow received too much oxygen and had misled my body into thinking this whole thing was appropriate for someone my age and disposition.

So Sunday I determined to relax. But the sun came out. And while the winds remained, the main thing I could see was a growing pile of leaves in my desert backyard. So into the garage, climb a ladder and get down the leaf-blower. It took over an hour, but I managed to get the majority of those fallen creatures blown into the Creek – to attract bugs and the like which in turn would be great duck & fish food – a natural recycling program, sped up somewhat. After walking back and forth with the blower, I felt I needed something a bit more stationary. Back into the garage, up another ladder, get down a electric saw that I am storing for a friend, and back to the yard to cut up the two saplings I had to cut down because a recent snow storm (while I was on the book tour) had damaged them and shown them to be somewhat diseased. Putting them on a rock I slowly cut each into small logs that could then be taken up to the condo on the ski hill as fuel for the fireplace. This too was somewhat arduous, especially since I had to bend over to do the cutting. Finally I was done. Later though I realized that another session in the soaker tub might be helpful.

That’s why I’m glad it’s Monday. I can get back into a more normal pattern of events, most of them based in my study. Far less painful, far less exhausting. Now I do have to get ready for a public hearing this evening that the City of Penticton is holding, but that will await another chapter. For now just be forewarned – if you think the weather is too nice to stay indoors, and that you should go for a long walk or a lengthy bike ride, look carefully at the calendar. We are past the midpoint of the month, and that month is November!!

As always,