The Epistle of Q — Chapter Eleven Part B

I had a really great conversation going this evening when I hit the wrong key and suddenly the screen went into a contorted overdrive, added a myriad of unknowable symbols and I lost it all. I am going to try to find it later, but for now I am going to shift gears and ask a different question.

Q #1
Why aren’t computers more capable of helping us correct our own mistakes, other than simply doing spell-checking?

There have been many times that I have found myself working to a deadline, and usually in the midst of it all, something goes amiss. I have no time to call a computer guru to come over and assist in the search for the great work apparently lost, and there are no simply back-up lights to turn on and then retrace the steps necessary to get back to the spot where I can then re-commence my original task. If I drive down the wrong road, coming to a dead-end, I can back up until I get to the fork in the road and take the other route and move forward in a new direction. Why haven’t they designed a basic computer that can do the same time? And if they have, why haven’t they made it known to the dumbest of us who make the most mistakes and miscues and therefore have the greatest need for this service?

Q #2
When will I get back to the original theme I was so excited about this evening?

I’m not sure. I am feeling a little chagrined that I lost so much good writing — perhaps I have to start saving the draft more often — and so I will take a break and come back later — maybe tomorrow or even beyond…sorry…
