The End of 2018 Sermon

What does one do to conclude a year that has been intriguing to say the least but as it draws to a close has seen an up-tick in tragic and sad moments?  This is not a letter per se, and I am not sure I have a good response to my initial question. So I’m […]

The Epsitle of Q — Chapter Eight-Four

Why do I keep going to Grey Cup? Simple question: here is the simple answer! Because it is the one truly Canadian championship in professional sport, and it is fun. And this year was no exception. It started with a drive in the SUV from Penticton to Calgary on the 19th… good drive, followed by […]

On Another Stream (Published Op-Ed) 1C

And here is the column that will appear in Monday’s edition (November 5th): Another way to look at a Performing Arts Centre Part III: And what else could we do to make it a better idea and one that keeps more of us connected to the facility? It’s no secret that our town needs more […]

On Another Stream (published Op-Ed) 1B

Here is the column that was published on Friday (November 2nd): Another way to look at a Performing Arts Centre Part II: But why should the downtown churches even think about this? Well, perhaps for their very survival might be one place to start. But on a more optimistic note it would help ensure a […]

On Another Stream (published op-ed) 1A

Thought I should share some interesting and up-beat moments in my world. The local newspaper — the Penticton Herald — has decided to run a three-part Op Ed piece that I have written about an idea regarding a proposed Performing Arts Centre for the city of Penticton…  Here is the column that appears in last Thursday’s paper […]

The Epistle of Q — Chapter Eighty (Part V)

What is Operation Orange…? (the conclusion…) Part V The plane-ride home was obviously joyous – before even taking off it was actually loud, almost raucous. I had the chance to again thank Posey and he was mostly happy with his initial performance; chatted with Lulay about the Montreal injury curse, but he was already upbeat […]