the Epistle of Q — Chapter 127


Perhaps it’s because I have had too many no responses to contract proposals or maybe it’s the continued panic-management of the pandemic or maybe it’s the fact some political leaders are even thinking about calling an election, but I am experiencing a bit of ennui (a term I first learned about in a sociology class but still don’t fully understand except when it is needed in a crossword puzzle). Anyway I thought it might be useful to just write a bit about interesting things or otherwise I have been experiencing lately, during the days of the big smoke.

So here goes:


Watch My Octopus Teacher on Netflix – should be nominated for an Oscar and every school or college class, whether it’s about science or government or the arts should also see it… absolutely phenomenal


Watch Outlander on Netflix – I’ve only reached Episode 12 in Year One but anyone with even a remote interest in Gaelic history, traditions or great cinematography will find this series fascinating. Without spoiling the gist of the story, I will say the one shortcoming is that the modern lady makes a lot of dumb decisions considering she is far smarter than the people she is with. It is a good critique of thinking you are smarter than your neighbours. But it still is a very good production.


This pandemic has gotten totally out-of-control and it’s now simply a political war machine. Talking about shutting down the economy of a province because of 600 cases in a population of 12 million makes no sense at all. As I recall my Mother’s advice at the outset – treat the sick, track the connected, permit testing wherever it is requested – leave every one else alone… And if you don’t believe me – check out Sweden or better yet Taiwan…


And get your kids back in school. If your teachers are still afraid; give them an unpaid leave of absence. They are supposed to be bright enough to lead – why aren’t they finding ways to make the system work? And even if a school should have an outbreak, again – treat the sick, track the connected, put everyone through rigorous testing…


Tell Ottawa to make more testing kits available – i.e. approve them…


I appreciate that the USA is trying to lower its carbon footprint, but sending us in Canada the smoke from the California, Oregon and Washington State fires is not fair. Write to Trump and suggest that where he should really build a wall is along the USA/Canada border – it would fit right in with his to hell with science attitudes…


Did you know that when a man gets past seventy doctors quit wasting time testing for testosterone levels, even if you’ve had a tumour in your head and testosterone is a marker of how bad the tumour might be? I found that out this morning after my doctors (including at least one specialist) ordered a number of autumnal tests. Prolactin levels, uric acid levels, all kinds of heart monitoring stuff – all this is critical. But the stuff related to male menopause and getting old – relax, there’s no need to worry, don’t have it ‘cause you don’t need it… oh well, at least I still have the pandemic management system to worry about…


My Dodgers are in the playoffs again… the Red Sox are not… the Blue Jays might be… the world is not too bad… although if the NFL can play, the CFL certainly should be – I hold both the federal government AND the CFL leadership to blame for this badly handled issue. However I am going to contact all the owners as well as the Commissioner and recommend he become a senior advisor and we put in place a woman who I know is not only the brightest public servant in this country, but one of the most knowledgeable CFL fans. She will get this mess sorted out.


My Mom isn’t doing so well. Covid-19 restrictions have made her lonely and anxious. Even phone calls are not working well – better to phone, leave a message and then my sister can play it a few times thus making sure Mom know’s who it is and what the message says. You don’t have to know her to leave a message – she won’t care about that, she’ll be happy though that someone called (even if you use a fake name like Beelzeebub or Quaker Oats or Shredded Wheat or Slugger Dimaggio)… her number is 1-587-491-0212. Oh don’t worry about telemarketers – she has no estate left to pilfer… the amount her four offspring will split is less than one large pizza with a coupon!!

Have a good day… and thanks for reading…it’s made my day!!